
SQL Server Datafile maxsize reported incorrectly

Recently we encountered and filed a benign reporting BUG which reports the maxsize of the data file incorrectly. If you create a database & then alter the initial size of the database to be greater than maxsize & then query sys.database_files, sys.master_files, sysaltfiles the maxsize appears to be incorrectly reporting the older value of maxsize….

Disabling Non-Clustered Columnstore Index doesn’t appear to execute in Stored Procedure in SQL 2012

Consider the following scenario, you have a large fact table with non-clustered columnstore index. In SQL 2012, Columnstore index is not updatable hence at night when you load or purge the table, the first step would be to disable non-clustered columnstore index followed by insert/update/delete to the table and the final step would be to…


Gotcha – Listening SQL Server Availability Group Listener on non-default port

While configuring SQL Server AlwaysON Availability Groups, as a part of security hardening practice it is recommended  to configure Availability Group to listen on a non-default port other than 1433. However the moment you configure your Availability Group Listener on a non-default port and if you SQL Server instance is also configured to listen on…

Recovering from cryptic errors thrown when importing from PowerPivot

I am borrowing this title from one of the blog post from Cathy Dumas, since this post is just the extension of her blog post which she posted for resolving the error thrown while creating a SSAS tabular Model project in SSDT by importing from Powerpivot. I started to create a SSAS Tabular Model project…


SQL Server 2012 AlwaysON Automatic Failover Set – Caveat

As I was going through the documentation of AlwaysON, I came across the following caveat with SQL Server AlwaysON Automatic Failover set. While we can have upto synchronous secondary replica,  we can have only one secondary replica to be part of Automatic Failover Set. Now, what that means is only of the synchronous secondary replica…


Performance Tuning with Columnstore index using Batch Processing

As we all are aware, SQL 2012 introduced columstore indexes which is based Microsoft’s xvelocity in-memory engine  and as you might have heard and read in numerous articles it is known to provide 5-50X improvement in performance of queries. Reading and Hearing 5-50X improvement in performance of queries causes many eyes to pop-out and they…

SQL 2012 Resources !!!

As we all are excited with the release of SQL 2012, it is important for all of us to quickly rampup and equip ourselves with SQL 2012. In this blog post, I am sharing some of the important SQL 2012 resources which are available which can help you in your readiness. SQL 2012 Product Guide ================== http://www.microsoft.com/en-us/download/details.aspx?id=29418 SQL 2012 Developer Training…


Failed to join the instance to the availability group while configuring AlwaysON

As SQL 2012 is in it’s RC0 phase, I was trying to configure AlwaysON on my 2-node WSFC with node and disk majority.Next I installed Default instance of SQL Server in parallel ( to save some time ) on both nodes of the WSFC.Next I enabled my instances for AlwaysON from SQL Configuration Manager for…