
Gotcha – Listening SQL Server Availability Group Listener on non-default port

While configuring SQL Server AlwaysON Availability Groups, as a part of security hardening practice it is recommended  to configure Availability Group to listen on a non-default port other than 1433. However the moment you configure your Availability Group Listener on a non-default port and if you SQL Server instance is also configured to listen on…

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When do we need asymmetric storage with AlwaysON FCI and Availability Storage?

Before we start the discussion on SQL 2012 AlwaysON let me define the terminologies introduced with SQL 2012. As we all know with SQL 2012, we have AlwaysON solution which provides us with a HADR Solution. SQL 2012 AlwaysON can be configured in 2 modes viz AlwaysON      Failover Clustering Instance (FCI):  This is the…


Failed to join the instance to the availability group while configuring AlwaysON

As SQL 2012 is in it’s RC0 phase, I was trying to configure AlwaysON on my 2-node WSFC with node and disk majority.Next I installed Default instance of SQL Server in parallel ( to save some time ) on both nodes of the WSFC.Next I enabled my instances for AlwaysON from SQL Configuration Manager for…